Zoetis Vietnam is hosting a forum that aims to provide the latest scientific insights on the significance of early immunity in infancy and the advancements in vaccine solutions in eggs at hatcheries. Titled “EARLY IMMUNIZATION AND VACCINATION IN THE EGGS,” this forum seeks to optimize poultry immunity and enhance livestock productivity.

The event features esteemed experts in the field of biological devices from developed countries, including Dr. Tarsicio Villalobos, the Director of Technical Services and Biological Devices at Zoetis USA, and Mr. Ekapol Pruengpanyanont, an Expert in Bioequipment and Automation at International Installation and Support, Zoetis.

The forum will also benefit from the interpretation of Dr. Dinh Xuan Phat, the Dean of the Department of Biological Sciences at Nong Lam University, Ho Chi Minh City. His insights are expected to provide valuable information to the poultry farming community in Vietnam.

By participating in this forum, attendees will have the opportunity to engage with these experts, gain valuable knowledge, and discuss vital topics related to early immunization and vaccination in the eggs. Don’t miss this chance to stay updated with

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