Expected Learning Outcomes


Upon completion of the program, students are able to:




General knowledge

PLO1: Apply the natural and social science knowledge and understanding of contemporary issues to the field of veterinary medicine. 1.1: Apply natural science knowledge (math, chemistry, biology, environment) to the field of veterinary medicine


1.2: Apply social science knowledge (politics, economics) and the understanding of contemporary issues to the field of veterinary medicine










Professional knowledge

PLO2: Apply veterinary knowledge to the prevention and control of animal diseases effectively 2.1: Apply veterinary knowledge to analyze natural, economic, and social factors related to animal  disease prevention and control


2.2: Apply veterinary knowledge to design animal disease prevention and control programs

2.3: Apply veterinary knowledge to implement animal disease prevention and control programs

PLO3: Apply veterinary knowledge to the animal disease diagnosis and treatment effectively.



3.1: Apply veterinary knowledge to monitor animal health


3.2: Apply veterinary knowledge to treat animals

3.3: Apply veterinary knowledge to evaluate the effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment

3.4: Apply veterinary knowledge to improve animal health

PLO4: Design programs for diagnosis and treatment of disease for domestic animals, procedures for disease prevention and control for animals according to prescribed standards. 4.1: Design programs for diagnosis and treatment of disease for domestic animals according to prescribed standards.


4.2: Create disease prevention and control strategy for animals according to prescribed standards.

















General skills

PLO5: Apply critical and creative thinking and evidence-based inference to solve veterinary problems effectively. 5.1: Apply critical and creative thinking and evidence-based inference to demonstrate critical ability in analyzing and evaluating information and data


5.2: Apply critical and creative thinking and evidence-based inference to demonstrate critical ability in analyzing and evaluating arguments

5.3: Apply critical and creative thinking and evidence-based inference to demonstrate problem-solving abilities including identifying problems, defining when and how to gather information, evaluating and selecting essential information for problem-solving

5.4: Apply critical and creative thinking and evidence-based inference to demonstrate different and creative ideas, and creativity when solving problems

PLO6: Work in team as a member or the leader to achieve proposed goals. 6.1: Demonstrate planning and time management skills during teamwork


6.2: Develop internal relationships including establishing connections, resolving conflicts, and developing external relations during teamworking

6.3: Evaluate performance of individuals and team for continuous improvement

PLO7: Communicate effectively using multimedia means and in multicultural environments; Use information technology proficiently for work  achieve B1- level English according to regulation of the Ministry of Education and Training.



7.1: Use context-appropriate language for academic and social communication


7.2: Comprehend the importance of communication factors: feelings, emotions, and values

7.3: Behave appropriately towards stakeholders within diverse environment; respect multicultural differences

7.4. Use information technology proficiently for work

7.5: Use B1-level English for communication




















Professional skills

PLO8: Implement proficiently clinical and non-clinical skills, technical procedures in disease diagnosis and treatment for domestic animals, and animal disease prevention and control to contribute to the protection of public health



8.1: Implement proficiently clinical and non-clinical skills, and technical procedures in the disease diagnosis and treatment for animals to contribute to the protection of public health


8.2: Implement proficiently clinical and non-clinical skills, technical procedures in animal disease prevention and control to contribute to the protection of public health

PLO9: Consult on techniques, technology and business in the veterinary field to bring economic benefits with consideration of human safety, animal health, and the ecological environment. 9.1: Consult on veterinary techniques oriented to bring economic benefits


9.2: Consult on technology in the veterinary field.

9.3: Consult on business in the field of veterinary oriented to bring economic benefits

PLO10: Use proficiently information technology and modern equipment of the veterinary industry to serve animal disease diagnosis, treatment, prevention and management to achieve the set goals 10.1: Use information technology for animal disease diagnosis, treatment, prevention and management to achieve the set goals


10.2: Use modern veterinary equipment for animal disease diagnosis, treatment, prevention and management to achieve the set goals

PLO11: Research to solve the problems in the veterinary field successfully



11.1: Apply survey and research skill to identify research problems


11.2: Apply scientific research methods appropriately include assess accurately the strengths, weaknesses, similarities, and differences of the survey methods to select the appropriate methods

11.3: Apply exactly survey and research methods

11.4: Apply research result to solve successfully verterinary issues









Autonomy and Responsibility

PLO12: Comply with regulations and law, maintain professional ethics 12.1: Comply with regulations and laws of veterinary


12.2: Maintain professional ethics of veterinarians

PLO13. Demonstrate responsibility to protect the environment, improve public health and show love for animals



13.1: Demonstrate responsibility to protect the environment, improve human health through veterinary work


13.2: Show love for animals

PLO14: Define clearly the future direction and willingness for life-long learning to respond to the rapid changes in veterinary field in the context of globalization. 14.1: Define clearly the future direction


14.2: Define long-term learning orientation to improve the knowledge and competences of veterinarians

14.3: Look for learning opportunities to improve the  knowledge and competences of veterinarians

14.4: Prepare life-long learning competences to respond to the rapid changes in the veterinary field in the context of globalization

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