The Department of Parasitology, Vietnam National University of Agriculture, works with the Friedrich-Loeffler Institute (FLI) of the Federal Republic of Germany on building research cooperation.

The Friedrich-Loeffler Research Institute (FLI), a prestigious federal agency under the Ministry of Agriculture and Food in the Federal Republic of Germany, is renowned for its high-level research and expertise. With 5 locations across Germany, including 12 institutes and 89 laboratories, FLI boasts a strong team of 850 staff members and houses 10,500 animals, including 250 large animals, along with a Biosafety Level 4 (BSL4) department.

On October 7, 2022, FLI initiated a meeting with several organizations in Vietnam, including the Vietnam National University of Agriculture, to establish cooperation under the project “Strengthening Capacity for One Health Partnership in Vietnam.” This project, funded by FLI, aims to enhance research capacity on One Health issues in Vietnam, focusing on controlling animal diseases while also reinforcing Vietnam’s position in global One Health initiatives.

During the meeting, representatives from partner units such as the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and the Department of Parasitology at Vietnam National University of Agriculture, the One Health Network of Vietnamese Universities (VOHUN), the International Cooperation Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and the Research Institute for Conservation of Biodiversity and Tropical Diseases came together with FLI’s German experts to discuss project activities and potential future collaborations. The visit also included an exploration of the facilities of partner institutions.

In addition to the discussions, two German Ph.D. students will participate in project activities, receiving guidance from visiting experts from FLI and VNUA. In February 2023, the official signing of the project between FLI leaders and Vietnamese partners will cement their commitment to cooperation and pave the way for impactful research and advancements in One Health in Vietnam.


Department of Parasitology, Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Vietnamese partners, and experts from FLI participated in the working session

FLI experts and Vietnamese partners discussed project activities and building cooperation in the future

The FLI expert team visited partner organizations’ facilities

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