PhD Program



Specialization: Veterinary Epidemiology

Code: 62 64 01 08

Type of training: Focused/Unfocused

(Issued in Decision No: 4234 dated December 29, 2015

of the Director of the Vietnam Academy of Agriculture)


1. Training objectives and output standards

1.1. Training Objectives

1.1.1. General objective

To train a doctorate in Veterinary Medicine with in-depth knowledge, ability to independently research and organize research and practice in the scientific field of veterinary medicine.; have good health and have professional ethics; Know how to work in a team, have the ability to cooperate and manage resources; Can meet working requirements for research institutes, companies, State management agencies, other social organizations.

1.1.2 Specific goals

Veterinary epidemiology doctorate training masters in-depth knowledge of veterinary medicine in general and epidemiology in particular, has independent research capacity, is able to analyze and solve in-depth problems of veterinary medicine. one in the field of veterinary medicine:

– Provide advanced knowledge in the fields of: Veterinary Microbiology, Animal Infectious Diseases, Pathology, Biotechnology and Microbiological Technology, Molecular Biology in microbial identification and production. Producing biological products, applying information technology in the field of Veterinary Medicine..

Ability to update, detect and propose research issues in the field of veterinary science,

– Master research methods, propose suitable solutions, gather and organize the implementation of research programs in the field of veterinary medicine.

1.2. Output standard

Completing the training program in veterinary medicine, majoring in veterinary epidemiology, learners have the following knowledge, skills and qualities:

1.2.1. About knowledge

– Apply a system of in-depth, advanced and comprehensive knowledge on veterinary epidemiology to solve problems related to disease prevention and control.

– Develop knowledge on outbreak investigation, analysis of risk factors to form new solutions in the prevention of ongoing, emerging and emerging diseases.

– Analyze problems and propose ideas, select technical solutions, conduct in-depth research in the field of veterinary medicine and veterinary epidemiology;

– Analyze and synthesize industry knowledge and production practices to develop principles and theories of veterinary epidemiology;

– Apply general knowledge of laws, organizations, management and environmental protection related to veterinary epidemiology in practice.

1.2.2. About skills

– Creation of new knowledge in the field of veterinary epidemiology trained. Detect and analyze complex problems that arise at work and come up with creative solutions to solve problems.

– Creativity in professional work, proposing and generating new solutions, ideas and knowledge in in-depth research in the field of epidemiology and veterinary medicine;

– Connect, link and cooperate with other organizations and individuals at home and abroad to form a network of deep and wide cooperation in the field of veterinary medicine and epidemiology of national and international stature;

– Synthesize collective wisdom, lead expertise to handle regional and international issues;

Information technology skills:

Proficient in office informatics and specialized informatics application software in calculating and processing data in veterinary research

+ Language skills:

Minimum English proficiency of B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference or equivalent.

Read, understand and write English documents related to veterinary medicine.

1.2.3 About moral qualities

– Confident, proactive, creative; Has good adaptability

– Passionate about research and responsible and highly disciplined in the field of veterinary medicine;

– Actively, actively aware, with a sense of responsibility in political, economic, cultural, social and environmental issues in the community; Respect the law, active lifestyle and community-oriented spirit.

a) Career orientation of the graduate

Learners after graduating with a doctorate in veterinary epidemiology can work in the following fields:

– Local, regional, or national animal disease management (managers, epidemiologists at state management agencies in the field of veterinary medicine);

– Agricultural extension (consultation, training, training in veterinary medicine);

– Research and teaching on veterinary epidemiology in the field of veterinary medicine (Institutes, centers and companies); in universities and colleges.

b) Orientation to study to improve qualifications after graduation

After graduating with a doctorate in veterinary epidemiology, learners can continue to study and research at the post-doctoral level (Postdoc) in veterinary medicine at domestic and foreign institutions.

2. Training time

The training period for people with master’s degrees is 3 years, for those without master’s degrees, it is 04 years.

3. The volume of knowledge of the whole course

No. Knowledge block Number of credits
1 General required knowledge 6
2 Elective knowledge 8
3 General essay 2
4 Thematic 4
5 Thesis 70
  Total 90

– If the PhD student does not have a master’s degree, he must take an additional 30 credits of the Master’s program in Veterinary Medicine, excluding the philosophy and English courses.

– For PhD studen who have obtained a master’s degree but are in the same discipline or have a master’s degree in the same discipline but have graduated for many years or granted by another training institution, depending on the specific case, the PhD student must take some additional courses. necessary courses according to the requirements of the training industry and the field of study.

4. Subjects of enrollment

Comply with the current Regulations and Regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training and the Vietnam Academy of Agriculture on doctoral training.

4.1. Right and suitable industry/specialization

Veterinary medicine.

4.2. Near field/specialization

Animal husbandry or animal husbandry, biotechnology, environmental technology and public health.

5. Training process, graduation conditions

Comply with the current Regulations and Regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training and the Vietnam Academy of Agriculture on doctoral training.

6. Score scale

Rating on a 10-point scale.