
Youth Union

  • Phd. Hoang Minh   – Secretary
  • Phd. Nguyen Vu Son – Vice Secretary
  • Nguyen Van Chien –  Vice Secretary
  • Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union is a socio-political organization of Vietnamese youth founded by the Communist Party of Vietnam and President Ho Chi Minh.The Youth Union consists of advanced youth, striving for the Party’s goals and ideals of national independence associated with socialism, rich people, strong country, the fair society, democratic and civilized society.Entering a new era,the Communist Youth Union continues to promote the precious traditions of the nation and its good nature, faithful and excellent successor to the glorious revolutionary cause of the Communist Party and President Ho Chi Minh; regularly add young forces to the Party; organizes and encourages Youth Union members and youth nationwide to take the lead in the cause of industrialization and modernization of the country and defense of the Socialist Vietnam Fatherland.

    The activities of the Union and the movement of the Student Union of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Vietnam National University of Agriculture always receive the enthusiastic help and close direction of the Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary MedicineBranch, Trade Union, and teachers in the Faculty. At the same time, the activities and movements of the Youth Union and Association at the Faculty always receive the attention and timely direction of the Standing Committee of the Youth Union, the Secretariat of the Student Union, helping the Union – the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. achieved important results, always maintained the title of excellent faculty, excellent association and completed tasks.

    In general, the process of 64 years of building, developing and achieving the achievements of the Union – Association of Veterinary Medicine in particular and the Vietnam Academy of Agriculture in general is the result of the solidarity and solidarity of the members. The senior generation goes before, the continuation of promoting the good traditions of future generations. Every year, the Union – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine always maintains the title of excellent Union of Faculty and strong student union association, is a typical Student Union – Union of the Vietnam Academy of Agriculture.

    Labor Union


    A historical journey has passed, 64 years the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine was established and developed. In addition to the achievements in teaching and scientific research, teachers in our department also have very daily concerns, about practical needs in life, joys and sorrows needed. sharing together. At the same time, we also have activities to contribute to sharing with the less fortunate in society, in the hope of making them less materially deprived and wishing to bring them joy and faith. about brotherhood, fellow countrymen. Those are the highlights of the trade union activities of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Vietnam National University of Agriculture for many years.

    With that spirit, we have shared the pain when teachers have relatives as life partners, parents are gone forever, sharing the pain of loss and shouldering less worries. Then there were also our respected teachers and aunts who passed away one by one, besides the pain, we joined hands to see them off to eternity in a full and meaningful way. Then every year, on the occasion of Thanh Minh, we and the students in the faculty together visit the grave to remember the teachers of many generations who have passed away.

    The achievements in life, in labor, in study, in the career of cultivating people and in scientific activities of many teachers have come to fruition. The joy from diplomas, degrees, certificates of merit, medals, a new house, the birth of a child… to the teachers as well as to the faculty, in that common joy, we joined hands to get gifts that are both practical and meaningful about solidarity.

    We not only think about ourselves, but we also have poor and difficult students, in addition to society, there are also pitiful circumstances and need to share. The heart is not lacking but the funds are limited. We wish to obtain funds from collective activities to make charity activities more meaningful. The faculty union built the first stone for that idea, and then many stones continued to be laid and finally we collectively formed the model:

    Achievements in teaching, scientific research, technology transfer, learning to improve qualifications, seem to make our teachers older than their age. But not so, we are very young. On stage, we can transform into a Thi Sach with a proud death posture, or a To Dinh trying to escape, a soldier who died on the battlefield, or an old mother whose child is a martyr. , a man painting a spring painting or a girl singing next to a yellow apricot branch… we all performed well.

    We are, can not say, 64 years – a long way, many generations of teachers and students have passed. The past is the echo, the present the encouraging achievements, the future a tireless follow-up.

    An affirmation that has always been true in the past 64 years to end this article: “The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is a united and full of strength group”.

    1. Organizational structure
    Currently, the total number of officials and employees participating in teaching and working at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is 99 people, 66 teaching staff and 33 service and laboratory staff. In which, there are 02 Professors, 12 Associate Professors and 35 PhDs, 49 Masters, 17 PhD students (there are 15 people studying abroad).

    2. Faculty Board of Directors
    Department of Veterinary Pathology
    Department of Anatomy and Histology
    Department of Internal Medicine – Diagnosis – Veterinary Medicine
    Department of Veterinary Parasitology
    Department of Microbiology – Infectious
    Department of Public health
    Department of Surgery and obstetrics
    Veterinary Biotechnology Laboratory
    Veterinary Hospital

    3. Scientific Council
    4. Faculty’s Office
    5. The unions
    Branch of Faculty
    Faculty’s Union
    Youth and student associations


    Assoc.Prof.Dr. Bui Tran Anh Dao

    Dr. Nguyen Hoai Nam


    Dr. Truong Ha Thai


    Veterinary Assistant

    No. Name POSITION
    1 Dr. Nguyen Phuc Hung University training assistant
    2 Tran Thi Giang Organizational Assistant
    3 MSc. Nguyen Thi Phuong Dong Postgraduate training assistant, science and technology, international cooperation
    4 Pham Hong Thanh Material Assistant

    Performing the political tasks of the Academy Party Committee, the Veterinary Faculty Branch has always been the nucleus of solidarity, maintaining stability and development, building a clean – strong grassroots Party organization with the spirit of struggle. building high, promoting democracy and creativity, building a strong Faculty of Veterinary Medicine comprehensively in terms of education, training and scientific research and scientific research applications into production practice. With a long-term goal, the branch of leadership of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Vietnam National University of Agriculture develops on a par with the region, located in the University of Multidisciplinary Agriculture. The Faculty has been and will be training a team of veterinarians with good theoretical and professional skills, along with training high-level human resources (masters and doctorates) firmly in research. All Party members in the branch are always exemplary and have the heart to build and develop the faculty branch as well as the faculty to be stronger and stronger.

    The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine always shows the spirit of solidarity and cohesion among the faculty members, stabilizes thought in the faculty, is serious in self-criticism and criticism. With the spirit of construction and development, the team of party members and officials always stick together to create a good and stable environment for peace of mind to work at the unit, strive to do well professionally, actively research. , study and practice to improve qualifications, prepare for the innovation process in the era of integration.

    In the leadership of the Faculty, the branch always promotes democracy, the initiative and creativity of individuals and groups, leaders from the Department, the Faculty’s Board of Directors, the Trade Union and the Faculty’s Youth Union. The branch has led to perform well its professional tasks: training quality has continued to be improved, training programs have been developed in the direction of international integration, scientific research activities and international cooperation have been promoted. and growing, contributing to enhancing the position of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine not only domestically but also internationally.


    No. Name Position/Title Department
    1 Bui Tran Anh Dao Associate Professor Department of Veterinary Pathology
    2 Trinh Dinh Thau Associate Professor Department of Anatomy and Histology
    3 Dam Van Phai PhD Department of Internal Medicine – Diagnosis – Pharmacy – Toxicology
    4 Bui Khanh Linh PhD Department of Parasitology
    5 Le Van Phan  Associate Professor Department of Microbiology – Infectious
    6 Nguyen Thi Lan Professor Department of Veterinary Pathology
    7 Huynh Thi My Le PhD Department of Microbiology – Infectious
    8 Duong Van Nhiem PhD Department of Public health
    9 Do Kim Lanh PhD Department of surgery and obstetrics
    10 Bui Thi To Nga PhD Department of Veterinary Pathology
    11 Truong Ha Thai PhD  Department of Microbiology – Infectious
    12 Nguyen Thi Thanh Ha PhD Department of Internal Medicine – Diagnosis – Pharmacy – Toxicology
    13 Hoang Minh Duc PhD Department of Public health
    14 Nguyen Hoai Nam PhD Department of surgery and obstetrics
    15 Lai Thi Lan Huong Associate Professor Department of Anatomy and Histology

    History of foundation


    The training of veterinary staff in Vietnam was started from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Hanoi Medical University according to the Decree dated October 25, 1904 of the Indochina government. Six years later, according to the Decree of August 10, 1910, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine became an independent school named Bac Ky Veterinary School.

    According to Decree dated 15/12/1917, Bac Ky Veterinary School was renamed to Indochina Veterinary School (Training Veterinarians).

    On July 20, 1940, the Governor General of Indochina issued a decision to establish the Indochina Veterinary University. During this period, the school trained 135 Veterinarians and 28 Veterinarians, including about 10 Cambodians and Laotians. One-third of these have actively participated in the resistance wars against France and the US and built the country’s economy in the fields of state management from the central to local levels, the training of university cadres. School, high school and scientific research and production techniques Veterinary medicine contributed to building the foundation for the development of the industry during the early period of the revolutionary government.

    On April 10, 1948, the Minister of Agriculture signed Decree No. 148 establishing the Veterinary Intermediate School located in Thanh Hoa.

    In 1950, the first level of Livestock Technology School was opened in Viet Bac.

    In 1953, Tuyen Quang established the Central Agricultural and Forestry Intermediate School, including the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine.

    Nong Lam University was established on October 12, 1956 according to Decree No. 53/NL-ND of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Democratic Republic of Vietnam, at the time of its establishment, there were only 3 faculties of Cultivation, Animal Husbandry and Animal Husbandry. Medicine and Forestry. The school’s campus is located in Van Dien, Quynh Do commune, Thanh Tri district, Ha Dong province.

    The Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine initially had only 5 teachers: Veterinarian Pham Khac Mai, Dean, Mr. Dien Van Hung, Mr. Nguyen Vinh Phuoc, Mr. Nguyen Xuan Hoat and Mr. Phung Manh Chi.

    In December 1958, Nong Lam University was merged with Crop Research Institute, Livestock Research Institute, Wood Research Laboratory and Silviculture Research Laboratory to form the Academy of Agriculture and Forestry. In 1960, the Academy of Agriculture and Forestry moved to Trai Bong in Trau Quy commune, Gia Lam district, Hanoi. The Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine has started enrolling students in two separate training courses, Livestock and Veterinary Medicine. The scale of the Academy’s experimental experimental camp was expanded, Quang Trung Livestock Farm, Fish Farm and Veterinary Hospital were established to serve training tasks. Besides, students majoring in Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine also have the opportunity to practice at farms managed by the Academy such as Tam Thien Mau Farm, Phia Den Livestock Farm (Cao Bang), Ba Van Horse Farm (Thai Nguyen), Farm buffalo Ngoc Thanh (Vinh Phuc)… Uncle Phan Dinh Do, one of the first generation of Vietnam’s Veterinary Industry, was held the position of deputy director of the Academy of Agriculture and Forestry.

    In 1963, the Academy of Agriculture and Forestry split into the University of Agriculture and the Institute of Agricultural Sciences to meet the requirements of actual production. Furthermore, the scale of the Academy’s development at that time had grown enormously. The Faculty of Animal Husbandry – Veterinary Medicine was one of the 5 faculties of the University of Agriculture at that time. Other faculties are Horticulture, Mechanical Engineering, Economics and Fisheries. Mr. Dien Van Hung is the Dean of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry – Veterinary Medicine. The Faculty continues to train two majors, Livestock and Veterinary Medicine.

    In 1967, the Government Council decided to establish the University of Agriculture II and the Academy of Agriculture and Forestry changed its name to the University of Agriculture I. The Faculty of Animal Husbandry and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine together with the University of Agriculture and Forestry I shared their forces. contributed to the establishment of University of Agriculture II, now Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry. In 1970, they shared their forces and contributed to the establishment of University of Agriculture III, now Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry. The Dean of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine at that time was Mr. Dien Van Hung, the Vice Dean of the Faculty was Mr. Tran Phuc Thanh.

    In the school year 1966 – 1967, the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine was separated into two faculties of Livestock and Veterinary Medicine.

    After the country’s unification – in 1975, many staff and teachers of the faculty (most of them from the South) returned to the South to build universities and research institutes such as: Mr. Duong Thanh Liem, Ms. Nguyen Thi Bach Tra, Mr. Nguyen Van Hanh (University of Agriculture IV – now Nong Lam University), Mr. Tran Cu (University of the Central Highlands), Mr. Truc Quynh, Mr. Dien Van Hung, Mr. Nguyen Luong, Mr. Nguyen Vinh Phuoc, Mr. Nguyen Van Huong… became key officials of agricultural research and management agencies in the southern provinces.

    According to Decision No. 305 DH1/QD dated September 1, 1977 on the separation of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine into two faculties of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine.

    Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of University of Agriculture I includes 8 departments and 1 office group:

    Office team
    Department of Anatomy and Histology
    Department of Cells – Organization of Embryology
    Department of Veterinary Pathology
    Department of Pharmacology and Veterinary Medicine
    Department of Parasitology and Animal Testing
    Department of Infectious Diseases and Veterinary Microbiology
    Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital
    Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Artificial Insemination.

    This is a historic turning point, after sharing forces to build training institutions in the South, the remaining key staff of the faculty and some teachers who have studied abroad have returned home. reorganization of the department’s apparatus.

    Although the number of cadres is not much, and the management and training experience is still lacking, but with the will trained in the war combined with the spirit of solidarity, mutual support, has been tested during the subsidy period. Therefore, the whole faculty has tried and overcome difficulties to complete the task to meet the requirements of production practice.

    Besides, with the encouragement of the victory in the spring of 1975, the spiritual contribution of many generations of students returning from the battlefield, generations of students have been trained in the war with the spirit and spirit of war. Good sense of discipline has joined with the teachers to form a solidarity block, determined to improve the quality of teaching and learning in the whole faculty. The Dean of the Faculty has launched a movement of learning among students, linking theory with practice.

    The post-war countryside is far different from today’s urbanizing countryside. Around the school are endless rice fields. The cooperatives all rely on the pulling power of cattle. The livestock farms of the cooperative developed strongly, including pig farms, poultry farms, dairy farms… so the department was able to maintain the operation of the Veterinary Hospital, this time the Animal Hospital y has become a reliable address for breeders, especially officials of cooperatives in the area near the school such as Hung Yen, Bac Ninh, Hai Duong, Dong Anh, Gia Lam… On the other hand, some Pets such as dogs and cats of senior officials, central agencies, and employees of embassies are also brought to the Veterinary Hospital for treatment.

    In order to improve the quality of vocational training, in addition to arranging internships in the curriculum, students of courses 17, 18, and 19 are arranged to practice skills and practice graduation at many large state-owned livestock farms such as: : Moc Chau Dairy Farm, Tam Dao Breeding Chicken Farm, Ba Vi, Luong My. Large commercial chicken farms such as Cau Dien, Nhan Le, Phuc Thinh, Chau Thanh; pig farms such as Tam Dao, Kieu Thi, Dong Giao, Tam Thien Mau, Toan Thang,…

    Among students, sports and cultural activities are very exciting, the movement to build socialist student collectives was launched and many collectives have won the title of “Socialist student collective”. very exemplary, helping each other to study well such as: Veterinary Medicine 17A, Veterinary Medicine 19A, Veterinary Medicine 24A… Many students of the faculty attended the World Student Festival such as Ms. Nguyen Thi Minh Tinh (Animal Science). medical class 17), Mr. Nguyen Van Ry (Veterinary class 19).

    In collaboration with the Department of Veterinary Medicine, the Ministry of Agriculture, the faculty organized a mission consisting of teachers and all Veterinarians of the 17th class, conducted veterinary epidemiological investigations in the southern provinces, developed a a set of cattle and poultry epidemiological maps for the southern provinces, as a basis for disease prevention in the future.

    Under the direction of the Organization Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Universities, a large number of students from courses 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 after graduation have strengthened the scientific staff. on animal husbandry, veterinary medicine of southern provinces, research institutes, schools in the south such as Nha Trang Veterinary Sub-Institute, Thu Duc University of Agriculture and Forestry, Central Highlands University,…

    In 1984, the two faculties of Livestock and Veterinary Medicine were merged into the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, with the task of training two majors: Livestock and Veterinary Medicine.

    In 2007 due to the requirements of production practice, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of University of Agriculture I was re-established with the following staff structure:

    The total number of officials and employees is: 45 people, including 35 teaching staff and 10 serving staff; 15 officers under 35 years old (accounting for 33.3%); 16 doctorates, 9 masters, 19 main lecturers and 16 lecturers.

    At that time, the faculty was training 1,100 full-time students and 495 students working while studying at the school, 50 students working while studying in localities. In 2007, the faculty recruited 230 new students. The number of graduate students in courses 14 and 15 is 84.

    Currently, the total number of officials and employees participating in teaching and working at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is 93 people, 65 teaching staff and 28 service and laboratory staff. In which, there are 10 Associate Professors and 28 PhDs, 44 Masters, 21 PhD students (17 are studying abroad).

    Recently, the Faculty has sent many staff to study for Master’s and PhD students under the 911 scholarship and the Government’s biotechnology program. This is an extremely important task to ensure and maintain the development of human resources of the faculty. Currently, there are 16 officials studying and researching abroad (Japan, Germany, Belgium, Hungary, Taiwan, Korea, Malaysia).

    A historical milestone of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in this period is Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thi Lan became a member of the Executive Committee of the Party Committee of Hanoi Universities and Colleges, Secretary of the Party Committee, Director of the Vietnam Academy of Agriculture for the 2016-2021 term and became a member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Vietnam. Socialist Republic of Vietnam, term XIV.


    By 2030, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine will become the leading training institution in Vietnam with international standard training quality and pioneer in scientific research in the field of Veterinary Medicine, on par with Veterinary training schools. in Southeast Asian countries.


    The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine aims to be a center providing outstanding high-quality human resources for the development of the veterinary industry in the country and international integration, creating scientific and technological products, providing advanced veterinary services. progress to meet practical requirements in the prevention of animal diseases, ensuring food safety, protecting human health and the ecological environment through multi-sectoral cooperation with stakeholders to link closer connection between training, research and actual production.

    Core values

    – Leading: Pioneering and outstanding in training and research

    – Class: By products with outstanding properties

    – Cooperation and Responsibility

    Faculty’s educational philosophy

    The educational philosophy of the faculty is “good at theory – good at skills”

    Regarding the organizational structure of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, there are currently 7 Departments:

    Department of Veterinary Pathology
    Department of Anatomy – Organization
    Department of Internal Medicine – Diagnosis – Veterinary Medicine
    Department of Veterinary Parasitology
    Department of Microbiology – Infectious Diseases
    Department of Community Veterinary Medicine
    Department of Foreign – Obstetrics

    – Veterinary Hospital: is a facility for training veterinary clinical skills for all students of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry; Service center for consultation and treatment of diseases for pets. In 2015, the Faculty was officially invested by the Government to build a new Veterinary Hospital with a total cost of approximately 100 billion VND and will be put into use in 2018. This is a very large and modern project of scale. and the largest equipment in Vietnam today. This is one of the very necessary and important conditions for the training of Veterinarians to meet the quality standards of countries in Southeast Asia.

    – Key Laboratory of Veterinary Biotechnology (Acquired ISO 17025 certificate, is a laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development – LAS-NN54). This is the first laboratory of the Vietnam National University of  to achieve ISO certification, a center for in-depth research on veterinary topics, and a place to provide diagnostic and testing services for livestock diseases. , poultry, wildlife and aquatic animals. Thanks to this laboratory, the Faculty has implemented many state-level, ministerial-level projects, international protocols, and supported the diagnosis and testing of patient samples for many localities and businesses in the field. Veterinary medicine and related fields, and also actively participate in animal disease prevention campaigns of the Department of Animal Health and localities.

    – 01 laboratory for laboratory animals: below is a new research room being expanded and developed.



    Vietnam National University of Agriculture-Ngo Xuan Quang street- Trauquy town- Gia Lam District- Hanoi city